More Amazon Reviews - Click Here review - One Freeman's War
"This really was a terrific book. I love the author's writing style. So easy and fluent. The historical aspect was absolutely wonderful, giving me such a good view of the life around this story that I really felt like I was there! An amazing story, and written so powerfully, I'd suggest this book to all my friends as a wonderful read!"
- Nicole A. Blake
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A 'Police State' has already been built around you. It's up to you to protect yourself.
What can one person do? You might be surprised! These books help you understand the 'Why' and 'How' in ways you've never seen before. They also set an encouraging example through the author's own personal experiences on how to claim your rightful status and fight tyranny at every level. Not only can we all benefit from the fundamental knowledge and insights which these books offer, but through the entertaining adventures of the author, we can be empowered and encouraged by his successes. These books are living testimony to 'The Power of Knowledge' and what can be done when one learns to live above and beyond his fear! These books represent the quest for freedom worldwide as we struggle to maintain our heritage and liberties in the face of concerted attacks from all sides. There are 3 books in the ONE FREEMANS WAR series. Check Them Out Now!f
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